Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Monday, March 30, 2015

17. erä / 17. batch

32 yleisössä 32 neulaa 64 reikää

45c tölkeist

total 210,5e

Saturday, March 28, 2015

batch 16 / 16. erä BIG GAME

käytii katsomas Big Game
leffa ok
teatteris löyty flindoi sen verran et sai 55c

went to see the Big Game movie
was ok
got cans & bottles for 55c

total 209,6e

Friday, March 27, 2015

kävelyä metsässä / a walk in the forest

Joskus tekee hyvää käydä ulkoilemassa, voi löytää vaikka mitä aarteita!

Sometimes it's good to go out for a walk, it can be very profitable!

batch 15 / 15. erä

 helped a friend to clean out some bags out of his apartment, took out 14 plastic bags with aluminium gold worth of 16,9euros

we are at total 209,05euros! thus breaking the 200e limit!

toimitettiin frendin kämpiltä pullot veks, saldona 16,9e mikä tuo meidät yli 200e rajan 209,05euroon!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

batch #14 / 14. erä

i went to turku and all i got was 85 from cans and bottles now at total 192,15e

Sunday, March 8, 2015

unelmia / dreams

esim. / for example
tällasta / something like this 

kertokaa millaisesta talosta te haaveilette?
what kind of house do you dream of? 

10. lasti && batch #10

No, joskus vituttaa ja joskus vituttaa oikein tosi paljon.
Sitten kun elämä potkii päähän oikein kunnolla niin on hyvä vetäistä oikein kunnon nollauskännit, jotta voi krapulassa todeta että ei mikään haittaa sittenkään niin paljon kuin se miten paha olo ihmisellä voi olla.

Life sucks and sometimes it sucks even more.
Good solution is to drink until your hangover is so bad it makes everything else looks like sunshine and happy days.

10. lasti / batch #10

181,5e !

batch 9

first of all, happy womens day for everyone who feels entitled to be congratulated on such a day.

the batch of today comes from a night of playing live and living the life and finding yourself dead tired in the following morning.

but there is a new light.

and that bottle of energy drink tasted as horrible as it should but it kept me awake enough.

batch #9 45 cents

which gets us to total: 154,451e

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

batch NUMBER 8

a coke dealers coke can found in a east sub returned to the center of the east.

worth 15 cents

total: 154e